Thursday, February 25, 2010

Whole Lotta Endios Shakin'

shakin off some snake skin
winter season all star couch,
coach couch coached 4 seasons.
old endio eggs shaving off some skin
for the wit of a tit.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Colt Dig cover~!

congrats colt fake to the cover boogie!!! pick up a copy of dig or subscribe

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dig/colt sturdy wrists/bone deth 'the movie'

#75 is all bunged up! Colts got the cover and has a sturdy wrists; a bunch of good photos by jeff and a behind the scenes seek into the unfolding creaturous babe wagon kook racket crash collector movie 'surfin' for the ugly broads'.

Monday, February 22, 2010


today marks the birth of the religion and the man himself James Menard LeVan
going into sydney to ride and hang with curtis tonight i cant believe he's 25 already its crazy
happy birthday menard
and a happy birthday to the bawston party management baby
i will always love you


Sunday, February 21, 2010


Friday, February 19, 2010

Wheres Curtis at!

The sun is back out in Washington which has good for the babe watch and the table tops. Me and my good friend Travis Lyons spent the day at the park and the jumps playing around. Thanks Travis for the photos 

mystic bmx dvd

Kert visionary Petersel has a wild part in the Mystic dvd. (
) This is a must see! its soo loose! kert kills amoungst with the other mystic crew. def a good flick. go over there and get a copy!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

bone deth blog ... website coming soon, for now check here for updates on the bone deth movie 'surfin for the ugly broads'


Sunday, February 14, 2010


Fixed my back wheel party monster magnet so my ass can scan the streets now!!

also we're headlining london again saturday, Exclusive free entry and cheap as shit booze,pull your finger outta your mrs and come hammer the place....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

hair cuts, business woman gone wild. but dads like a brother and i ended up on the jail floor with a brocken rib. police in canberra suck. this is day 6 of the jimmy trip alot more soon to be posted. laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate

bored and ratt

thought id chuck up my throw up still saving my ass off for my hearse so until then i have ratwolf ,bordem and a paint marker some real cheap paint and chemical reactions wooop,get out and doodle kids

Monday, February 8, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

oh word word

"i need my faggy god damn hair straightener"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cyborg Renegade

cyborg renegade from babysabbath on Vimeo.

bitch toast

ghoul fishsticks death inside a cow its intestine is stinky with lust of oinion paste.

primitive babes,

OZ boogers

Jimmy is off to Australia to meet up with Alex Liiv and Jamie Mauri for an Elite trip. the burger king kids club has ventured into odd seasons. the wind will tell tell tell you have some boogie

eclat soup

éclat web series 2010 - Sean Burns from Eclat BMX on Vimeo.