Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Birthday to the McCabe's!!!

Party time all the time! Happy Birthday to the McCabe Bro's! Blackbird and Snaggle Tooth wreckin' shit since, uhhhh, I really don't remember cause I was a bbbbbaby. The Spits are playing in Portland on Sept 7th! Come pppppparty, yeaaaaaaah babe! Were on it! I'm out, LATE!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The evening of the last day of the X-Games Mat Hoffman took a group of us out to a nice dinner. It also happened to be Leigh Ramsdell's 40 B-Day! Happy B-Day Bro! Anyways, the restaurant Mat took us to was a very nice gaff with great food and service, so good infact, they had the air conditioning blasting! Mat mentioned that he was a bit cold and Darryl Nau handed him his jacket. Well, Darryl is know for his fashion sence, so we got a little idea...Don't stop with the jacket, Mat needed some full on D-Nau fashion! including sunglasses and neon yellow Newport hat! We got to have dinner with Mat in a brand new steeze!!!! THIS SHIT SHOULD BE IN VICE MAGAZINE!!!!! HAHA! Seriously though, you ALWAYS have a blast with this crew of cats!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

bike check

 Jimmy has a sweet bike check up at bmxonline. check check check it out.