Monday, October 13, 2008

lets discuss the term "TRYING TOO HARD" it seems to be pretty popular amoungst internet haters.. and i wish they would explain it to me.. it doesnt necessarily piss me off.. but got me totally confused as to what they are TRYING TO SAY. Because, usually these internet haters are nibblers that ride 2mph doing footjams anyway, and are totally serious about bmx. AND TAKE IT TO ALL ITS SERIOUSNESS. Take Alex Liiv for instance.. his Le freaky bone video from you tube had a post, and some kids saying "this guy is TRYING TOO HARD" trying what? hes a weirdo, he has a strange sense of humor, just like the rest of us at metal bikes, the only thing hes TRYING TOO DO.. is entertain himself and his friends. Woopty Fucking Doo. what is he TRYING that is sooooo HARD? the internet nibblers arnt trying hard enough. And the even more mind boggling term of TRYING TOO HARD is the association with riding. When a rider rides 10 hours a day, take for instance JJ Palmere, some kids say he is TRYING TOO HARD. kids like that just like to ride a lot. and for the ones going nuts HUCKING big gaps, or JUMPING big gaps.. that are supposuvly "TRYING TOO HARD" are actually just having fun. For some people such as MYSELF... i get no entertainment or fun out of riding flat ledges, little banks, footjams, and curb riding going really slow. The only things that entertain me and keep me motivated on my big are things either have to go fast for, or that scare me, or grindage. Its just my taste, just because my entertainment level consists of me to do bigger things that might seem a little crazy to some youngers.. it doesnt mean im TRYING HARD. im just riding on what is my level of progression and fun. if i didnt progress to bigger drops and such.. shit would just get boring after awhile and id probably have a thumb up my butt eating cheese doodles and looking at the come up for little nibblers who ARE NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH


SoRadSam! said...

fuck yah

i got so sick of this kinda shit i just stopped paying attention to it

i'd rather form my own ideas

moetie said...

ahahah totally..... i hate chads and park rats i ride ta get my rocks off fuck all this jock talk all tha chads can fuck off

Unknown said...

seee thats what i always try to tell people there like why you goin soo fuckin fast its stupid i just like the rush of goin full speed doin something stupid while they go half a crank and hop manual a curb fuckin pussys